cap 2: who the hell is bucky?, drabble request, fic rec, i had a date (captain america), home is where the rent lives

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  • Not sure lipstick will work, but I'll give it a shot too.

    newredshoes Apr 25, 2015 08:41

    I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to honor
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    cap 2: who the hell is bucky?, bodies are people too, hole in my pocket, i had a date (captain america)

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    newredshoes Feb 24, 2015 23:30

    Ohmyholyholyholyshit, Agent Carter finale, I will be able to be coherent about hOW MUCH I LOVED YOU soon, but first, FIRST, let's talk about that post-credits(ish?) scene. ( Mostly just capslock; brief )

    i had a date (captain america)

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  • We knew what that was the instant we saw it.

    newredshoes Jan 28, 2015 00:28



    Spoilers for tonight )

    being a jew, i had a date (captain america)

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  • [Fic | MCU] Your Friend Is Most Likely Dead (Captain America, 8K, gen)

    newredshoes Jan 24, 2015 09:58

    Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod, it's -- it's live! It's posted! Guys, this fic. I have been working on this fic for so long. And now it's live. The Peggy-Bucky-Cold War trauma bomb.

    Your Friend Is Most Likely Dead (7900 words, gen, Peggy, Bucky, Howard ( Read more... )

    cap 2: who the hell is bucky?, fiction, i had a date (captain america)

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  • This is my face right now.

    newredshoes Jan 06, 2015 23:44

    Um. That was perfect.

    That was gorgeous and flawless and Marvel took the stars of my fandom and filmed fic and oh my god, Agent Carter, if you keep this up, oh my god.

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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    i had a date (captain america)

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  • 2014, I am not writing about you anymore

    newredshoes Jan 01, 2015 11:34

    "--OH MY GOD," I wrote this morning to
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    cap 2: who the hell is bucky?, crossovers are the spice of life, meme, original, writing, one day this will get me shot, i had a date (captain america), the hollow crown

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  • WIP Amnesty: Two SSR fics

    newredshoes Dec 28, 2014 14:29

    Yesterday I started poking at one of my favorite end-of-year traditions, that Year in Writing meme. Since I don't think I'm going to finish my current WIP in time to post it this year (though it must be done and betaed before the 6th, so, that's my afternoon before heading out for dinner with
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    fiction, i had a date (captain america)

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  • [DTM 07] Basset hounds are perfect.

    newredshoes Dec 07, 2014 19:09

    Nutella off the spoon does not actually cure day-long eyestrain proto-migraines, but it sure does help. I wanted to spend today being more fannishly productive, and I sort of was -- if you dig Howard Stark and Peggy Carter and the Manhattan Project and 72K character studies about the Cold War, do I have a hell of a fic rec for you -- but mostly I' ( Read more... )

    december talking meme '14, fic rec, i had a date (captain america), puppy!!

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